


WELCOME to the IBLAM School of Law Campus C (Kemayoran) a place of legal education for mature students. We offer a dual degree between a DIKTI (Indonesian MOE) recognized law courses and Universidad Central de Nicaragua Faculty of Law. The graduates will be granted Sarjana Hukum for Undergraduate (S1) a long with Bachelor of Law (LLB), and Master Hukum for Master of Law (LLM) as the second degree.

The graduates of IBLAM Campus C are expected not only to master the entire positive law, but also comprehend all aspects of law in accordance with International perspective. In the existing curriculum of the IBLAM School of Law, there are subjects based on International perspective. However it will not cause the study period to be lengthened, because the total study load based on the existing curriculum are only 146 credits (including credits for legal skills).

The study will be organized intensively therefore less than 3 (three) years, the students will be able to earn the Law degrees (SH + LLB) and less than 18 moths for Postgraduate students for M.Hum + LLM. The whole process of study will be hosted at IBLAM Campus C. The Universidad Central De Nicaragua will issue the second degree by validation scheme.

IBLAM History

In 1990 a groups of Law experts and practitioners such as the late Prof.Seno Adji,SH, The late Prof.R Soebekti,SH, The late Prof. H.Padmo Wahyono,SH, The late Prof. Mr.Dr. Prajudi Atmosudirjdjo, the late Prof. H.Bismar Siregar,SH and others, established an non governmental organization called IURISCONSULTUS GROUP with the main activities in Business Law Consultancies and preparing a Law experts through the Institutes of Business Law and Legal Management (IBLAM).

IBLAM was established in cooperation between IURISCONSULTUS GROUP and the Jakarta Chamber of Commerce, which its first program offered was The Higher diploma of Law (in Law management) , following by the Bachelor of Law and Master of Law programs, each with its own legality from the Higher Education Directorate General (DIKTI) Ministry of National Education Republic of Indonesia ; SK N0.95/D/0/1993 and SK N0.78/D/0/1993. Accreditation from National Accreditation boards N0.032/BAN-PT/Ak-V/S1/1/2008 and N0.018/BAN-PT/Ak-V/S2/2006. Since the first year IBLAM produced 4064 Undergraduate and Postgraduate level of studies alumni, some of them became the decision makers of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.



• Realizing harmonic and democratic Campus environment, and increasing ethical and human rights
• Realizing the future generation excellence in the knowledge of Law and professional Law practitioners according to local and International regulations


• A Pioneer of the development of Law knowledge respecting ethical sciences and focusing in the field of Business Law
• Produce graduate with leadership and respecting the law supremacies and Human Rights
• Produce a well qualified graduates, who can implement their knowledge professionally, harmonic, democratic according to the development of Law knowledge for the successful of National main objective

Universidad Central de Nicaragua

Universidad Central de Nicaragua (English name: Central University of Nicaragua) was founded in 1998. It is fully accredited and recognized by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Nicaragua via the Consejo Nacional de Universidades, website: (The National Council of Universities (CNU) of the Republic of Nicaragua) in official government session No. 10-1998 operating under the law No. 89 of the Republic of Nicaragua with full autonomy designing, delivering and granting degree programs at undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate level.

The university is listed with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), International Association of Universities under the list of universities of Nicaragua, website:, and the International Handbook of official directory Universities of credited universities published by the United Nations.

The university is offering international distance learning programs other than local degree programs.

The Central University of Nicaragua (UCN), and its Division of International Programs, is a multidisciplinary academic institution, humanist, ethical, efficient and competitive; promoting the intercultural exchange between nations and cultures, the defense of the environment, science, technology, democracy, freedom and social justice. The quality and competitiveness of UCN graduate professionals, contribute to the economic, social and cultural development. The Central University of Nicaragua – UCN is a nonprofit Institution and it is accredited by the Federal Ministry of Education of the Republic.

UCN Graduation

The idea of the University is born of a group of academics with ample practice and experience in the educative field that took the step to found the UCN, retaking the trajectory of the old Nicaraguan Central University that in the years 40's opened its classrooms to receive students who later were important personalities in the political, academic and social fabric of the country. The updated history of the university is, it has made a campaign of international development making agreements with universities of different parts of the world, simultaneously to have official representatives in countries and regions, for instance in the United States of America, Mexico, Bolivia, Central America, Asia, and Europe.

The Division of International Programs is directed by professionals with ample international experience, in projects such as the United Nations, UNESCO, in addition, some of them manage Transnational Companies, and other members and advisers of NGOs , all this translates into an endorsement of a global vision to their activities and curricula, as well as one that activates interaction between cultures and nations. UCN PI members have worked with numerous programs and departments of the United Nations.

Formal email from IAU-UNESCO
From: Centre IAU
Subject: Information about Universidad central De Nicaragua
To: "'Agung Sidayu'"
Date: Thursday, July 8, 2010, 1:28 AM

Dear MYR Agung Sidayu,

You will find the complete listing on and then by selecting the country from the drop-down menu in the middle of the page. You sill see that this university is indeed listed.

Kind wishes,


Nicholas Poulton

Editorial Assistant
International Association of Universities / International Universities Bureau
1 rue Miollis
75732 PARIS Cedex 15 -France
Tel: +33 (0)1 45 68 48 02
Fax: +33 (0)1 47 34 76 05

Universidad Cristiana Del Sur

Universidad Cristiana del Sur (Southern Christian University) the fully accredited South Christian University is located in San Jose, Costa Rica; it offers Associate, Bachelor and Licentiate Degrees under Ministry of Education Accreditation and some other programs via articulation agreements.

Founded in 1997 the university offers, Full On Campus Programs. All programs are "Full English" instruction available, yet Spanish courses are the norm.


Universidad Cristiana del Sur is accredited by the Government of the Republic of Costa Rica - The Ministry of Education - Adult Council on Higher Education Private Universities (CONESUP) to award state format Bachelor degrees and, as such, degrees awarded enjoy equivalency to Regional Accreditation from the United States. The United States Department of Education finds that CONESUP has similar accreditation standards (NCFMEA).

The webpage of the Ministry of Education has a list with the accredited private universities in the country, which are accredited by the National Superior Education Committee --Consejo Nacional de Educacion Superior (Conesup). The website is the following:

Universidad Cristiana del Sur appears on that list, however only Bachelor’s and Licenciate degrees appear there in the areas of law, business administration, and theology. The University does not offer programs above Licentiate (Masters Degrees) under its own accreditation, but does have articulation agreements with other Universities.

The university is listed with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), International Association of Universities under the list of universities of Costa Rica, and the International Handbook of official directory Universities of credited universities published by the United Nations.

Website: (listed number 17)

Fields of Concentration

The specializations that the students can take, based on their interests, comprise 5 specializations which can be the options for students to further develop their interests. These are:

1. Business Law
2. International Law
3. Land Law
4. Practices of Law
5. Security (stock exchange) Law

Alumni’s Career Prospects

The graduates of the dual degree programs between IBLAM and UNEM have been proven to be able to compete in gaining important and strategic positions such as judges, attorneys, police officers, Indonesian Military (TNI) officers, and civil servants in various departments and institutions. Many of them also work as employees in various companies (corporate or state owned/ regional-owned companies); NGO employees; and political positions, both executive and legislative ones. However, many of the alumni prefer being professionals like advocates and Public Notaries, businessmen, or pursuing higher degrees overseas or in local universities.


1. Prof.Dr. Mashur Effendi
2. Prof. Dr. Indrati, SH, MS
3. Prof. Dr. Zudan Arief, SH
4. Prof.Dr. Wahyono,SH,MS
5. Dr. Nurwidiyanto,SH,MH,MM
6. Dr. Wicipto,SH,MH
7. Dr. Ibrahim,SH,MH
8. Gindo Lumban Tobing,SH,MH
9. Padimun Lumban Tobing,SH,MH
10. Hasbullah F.Syawie,SH,LLM
11. M.Yusuf,SH,MH
12. Gunawan Nachrawi,SH,MH
13. Ngatino,SH,MH
14. Drs.Achmad Suparman,SH,Mh
15. Cut Fadhlan,SH,MH
16. Drs.Faisal Kamil,SH,Mh
17. Dra.Mardety,M.Si
18. Ir. Syaiful Azri,MM
19. H Edy Susanto,SH,MH,MM,MA
20. Titiek Guntari,SH,MH
21. Suswarsono,SH,MH
22. Agung Damar Sasongko,SH,MH
23. Budi Rahardjo,SH,MH
24. Nurlely Darwis,SH,M.Si
25. Yoga Satriyo,SH,M.H
26. H. Dahlan Suherlan, SH,MH
27. H.Manap Djunaidi, SH,MH
28. Warsifah,SH,MH
29. Budi Purwanto,SH,MH
30. Sugeng Jatmiko,SH,MH
31. Suardi,SH,MH
32. M. Hoesni Sobrie, SH,MH
33. Medy Parli Sargo,SH,MH
34. Maulana, SH,MH
35. Sulistityowidi Purwanto,SH,MH
Curriculum (Undergraduate)

The curriculum of the IBLAM School of Law is designed to produce excellent graduates. The curriculum is periodically evaluated and developed in accordance with the developments in the field of law .

The curriculum of the S-1 (Bachelor of Law Degree) of IBLAM refers to the National Ministry of Education Decree No. 184/V/2001, consisting of the core and institutional curriculum, through the semester credit system with one unit of semester credit of 146 credits :

SUBJECTS Total Credits 21

Semester (1)

1. Religious Education
2. Pancasila (the five Pillars of Indonesia)
3. Introduction to Law
4. Introduction to Indonesian Law
5. State Sciences
6. Introduction to Sociology
7. Corporate Economic
8. Introduction of the Philosophy of Sciences

Semester (II)  (22)

1. Foundation of Cultural Sciences
2. Civil Law
3. Criminal Law
4. Business Law
5. Traditional Law
6. English for Law
7. Introduction to Management
8. Democracy and Human Rights

Semester (III) (21)

1. State Law
2. State Administration Law
3. International Law
4. Corporate Law
5. Agreement Law
6. Collateral Law
7. Transportation Law
8. Banking Law

Semester (IV) (19)

1. Islamic Law
2. Environment Law
3. Agrarian Law
4. Labour Law
5. Consumer protection Law
6. Intellectual property law
7. Tax Law
8. Insurance Law

Semester (VI) (19)

1. International Business transaction
2. International Civil Law
3. Law Analysis and Arguments
4. Technical Practices
5. Arbitration Law
6. Contract design
7. Criminal Economic Law
8. The Philosophy of Law and Ethics Profession

Semester (VII) (16)

1. License and Industrial Law
2. Business competition Law
3. Land registration and Land reform
4. Criminology


Bussness Law :

1. International Business law
2. Corporate law
3. Shipping and forwarding
4. Export-Import Law
Stock –Exchange:

1. Law of value documents
2. Security (Stock-exchange) politics
3. Capita Selecta of Stock Exchange
4. Legal aspect of Security’s Institutions
International Law:
1. Diplomatic Law
2. International sea Law
3. International conflict Law
4. International contract Law

Law Practices:

1. Investigation Techniques
2. Prosecution Techniques
3. Evidences Law
4. Legal practices (Criminal and Civil)
Land Law

1. Land procurement
2. Land and building as collateral
3. Capita Selecta Agrarian Law
4. Land using Law

Semester (VIII)  (6)

Law practices
Total Credits 146

Curriculum (Postgraduate, M.Hum/LLM)
Business Law

Semester (I)

1. Theory of Law
2. Philosophy of Law
3. Law sociology
4. Banking Law
5. Company Law and Bankruptcy
6. Investment Law

Semester (II)

1. Research method and Statistics
2. History of Law
3. Politics of Law
4. Environmental Law
5. Legal aspect of sock exchange
6. Agrarian Law

Semester (III)

1. Intellectual property Law
2. Arbitrage /Alternative Dispute Resolution Law
3. Contract/business transaction
4. Anti Monopoly Law
5. International trade Law
6. The role of law in the economical development

Semester (IV)


Total Credits 46

Public Law

Semester (I)

1. Theory of Law
2. The Philosophy of Law
3. Sociology of Law
4. Administration Law Procedures
5. State administration& decentralization
6. Law and Public consideration

Semester (II)

1. Research method & Statistics
2. History of Law
3. Politics of Law
4. Law and human Rights
5. Environmental Law
6. Agrarian Law

Semester (III)

1. Law and Government administration
2. Law and Constitutional Theory
3. Government financial law
4. Democratic Theory
5. Taxation Law
6. Investment Law

Semester (IV)


Total  46

Economic Criminal Law:

Semester (I)

1. Theory of Law
2. The philosophy of Law
3. Law sociology
4. Criminal law Theory
5. Theory of Criminology
6. Criminal Court System

Semester (II)

1. Research method and Statistics
2. History of Law
3. Politics of law
4. Comparative of Criminal Law
5. Criminal law reform
6. Capita Selecta Economic Criminal Law

Semester (III)

1. Banking Crime
2. Money Laundry crime
3. Cyber - crime
4. Environmental crime
5. Corruption crime
6. Corporate crime

Semester (IV)


Total 46

Islamic Finance

Semester (I)

1. Theory of Law
2. The Philosophy of law
3. Sociology of Law
4. Islamic banking Law
5. Islamic insurance Law
6. Law and Islamic Economics

Semester (II)

1. Research Method & Statistics
2. History of Law
3. Politics of Law
4. Business ethics in Islam
5. Law of Contract in Islam
6. Stock exchange in Islam

Semester (III)

1. Zakat and Wakaf law

2. Law of Sharing (Joint Venture)
3. Islamic Arbitration
4. Islamic Financial Institutions
5. Islamic Criminal law in Banking Institutions
6. The History of Islamic Business Law

Semester (IV)


Total 46

More information :

IBLAM Campus C Kemayoran
Puri Kemayoran Blosk THB2
Jalan Landas Pacu Selatan
Jakarta Pusat – Indonesia
Email :